Monday, 22 November 2010

Ten facts about Sharia law (Islamic law)

The aim of the Shari'ah is to preserve society in a form which is healthy and fruitful for the inhabitants on earth. Shari'ah helps mankind live the way the creator has decreed us to live, and to ease our worship to Allah (SWT).

In (Western) society, there is a race to maintain a basic lifestyle, to provide food, shelter and clothing for you or your family, only to meet the basic necessities. You will see this same behaviour anywhere where the Shari ah is not implemented. To provide even the most basic commodities such as electricity, gas and water it is a hassle and something western democracy has failed to give or provide us even till today, this is why we find the population resorting to crime, effectively leading to mass corruption and depression.

Is it in the governments interest to serve God (Allah) or the political elite? With broken families, high rape, paedophilia, massive percentages of alcohol related diseases and deaths, homelessness, obesity. These statistics reflect the success of a government which rules by man made law and it paints a picture that tells us the government only serve the interests of the political elite, including big corporations, banks and man's desires.

Let us look to what the Shari'ah offers us, and lets see what Allah (SWT) has legislated for mankind. Ultimately, if any book is divine, it will detail all affairs for man and tell us how to deal with today's problems.

1. Non-Muslims can live inside the Islamic State.

One of the most misunderstood matters is the ruling on non-muslims inside an Islamic state. It is believed that the state would only allow a pure Muslims population, however this is incorrect and commonly used by non-muslims to attack the Shari'ah. Non-Muslims can choose to live in the state if they pay the 'Jiziyaa' (the closes translation for this word is 'tax'). Once they do so, they are known as the dhimmi, and their life and honour immediately has sanctity and are protected by the state.

The Khaleefah (Caliph) will go to great lengths to protect the dhimmi. An example, if they (the dhimmi) are being harassed by another tribe, the Islamic state will judge the situation and fight (even physically with the Muslim armies) to defend them.

2. The Non-Muslim citizen (Dhimmi) - including Muslims - get rights to free food, clothing and shelter provided by the state by default.

The benefits offered to the dhimmi are clear. By default they are entitled to free housing, food, gas and clothing without any ambiguity. Some scholars go further and say electricity are also deemed as necessities in today's day and age. If these opinion's are adopted by the Khaleefah's (Caliphs) decision council, these too will be provided free to the dhimmi.

The Khaleefah will appoint a director for this department which will ensure providing the necessary energy to the whole country ranging from coal, oil, electricity etc.

The son of Adam has no better right than that he would have a house wherein he may live and a piece of cloth whereby he may hide his nakedness and a piece of bread and some water.” [Tirmidhi]

3. Fee's such as council tax, road tax etc. will be abolished.

The Islamic state will abolish all fiscal fees and rates, water and sewage rates, school fees, import and export licences and fees, council rates, ground rent, road tax and fiscal stamps. According to shari‘ah, these services are the duty of the state; the state in Islam is a guardian and not a collection of fees and rates.

One of its main functions is to secure the essential needs of all its subjects and to enable each individual to acquire his luxuries according to his ability.

4. The 'Jiziyaa' (Non-muslim tax) is lower than the 'Zakat' (Muslim tax).

The Jizyaa, a tax for non-muslim citizens of the state, is lower than the Muslim tax - Zakat (Obligatory upon all muslims). Muslims, must also pay the Zakat, both the Jiziyaa and Zakat go to the Islamic treasury and will be utilized on areas where the Islamic authority sees fit.

5. Earth's resources cannot be privatised and sold at extortionate prices.

Natural resources - like oil, coal and gas - will not be sold at ridiculous prices to the population. Today we see the true face of dollar guzzling greedy cooperates as they continue to sell energy at unaffordable prices. The common people are powerless as energy prices rise month on month, while energy companies profits increase so do their pockets.

Today's government has done little to help its people, and with all this it continues to cut public expenditure, family support benefits (child benefits, housing benefits etc.) and continues to squeeze public spending even more. No matter who, labour, conservative or liberal democrats. You will never find justice in man made law since these same problems are riddled in every country where Shari'ah is absent.

6. Poverty will be eradicated.

When Islam was implemented on state level in parts of the African continent (Ethiopia and Sudan), it slowly extinguished poverty. People had the basics of food, clothing and shelter provided to them by the Islamic state, and they had the opportunity to prosper as human beings.

Since the removal of Islam from those lands we witness corruption, genocide and the alleviation of poverty once again. Charity is embedded within Islam and cannot be removed, unlike in the west it is something every Muslim must practice by necessity. We see a lot of people with soft hearts, kindness and who recognise the problem - without to undermine their concern - the help and assistance they provide are always temporary and never permanent. The corruption returns and sometimes in other forms such as prostitution, violence and drugs.

To solve these problems, you will need to remove the root issue / problem which has plagued poor areas for decades, the cure will only come with the removal of
all man made laws and systems such as democracy, then the implementation of the Shari'ah.

If poverty was a man, I would kill him.” [Narrated by Umar Ibn Al-Khataab.]

7. Society ills (such as gambling, prostitution, drugs and paedophilia etc) will be extinguished.

Islam prohibits diseases pushed under the declaration of ‘freedom’ such as pornography, paedophilia, bestiality, gambling, drugs and alcohol which seek to exploit and enslave people to their instincts and desires resulting in rising crime rates and the anarchy which is prevalent today in western society. The way of life in Islam ensures the fulfilment of everyone’s right to basic food which will prevent people from resorting to illicit acts. Unlike capitalism, Islam prohibits gambling and interest which exploit the poor to the advantage of the rich.

As a result of freedom and democracy we have seen the most absurd laws. To mention one or two, in the state of Missouri bestiality (the marriage between humans and animals) is allowed and in America paedophiles have formed an organization called NAMBLA (North American Men And Boys Lovers Association) allowing paedophiles to perform horrendous acts with children. Similarly, under 'freedom' a group of people have begun sacrifices and mutilation for the sake of Satan, this even involves the kidnapping of innocent life to fulfil these satanic rituals.

8. Education is free to ALL citizens

The State would ensure the provision of free education to every male and female at both primary and secondary levels, the state would also endeavour to provide free education to everyone at university level. This is so because providing every single citizen of the state with the education he or she needs in all walks of life is an essential necessity, therefore it is the Stateis duty to provide it (especially now that the primary and secondary education have become basic necessities rather than luxuries). It is therefore an obligation upon the state to ensure that every individual is educated to such levels. As for the higher studies, some of these are also a necessity, such as medicine and study of the mining industry for instance, and the state should provide such education; whereas what is considered to be non essential studies such as literature, the state should provide such studies if funds were available.

But today education in Britain are merely business avenues for the rich and powerful, recent events have proven this. With the increase of student tuition fees and removal of tuition caps it is made it more apparent the degree will cost a lot more than it has previously. The quality of the degree has also become questionable, it all boils down and points back to the fundamental failure of the system of (man made) democracy.

The Khilafah state would ensure provision of free education to every male and female (Muslim and non-Muslim) at both primary and secondary levels and would endeavour to provide free education to everyone at university level. Education at higher levels would be encouraged and the state would help in funding those who wish to do so as much as possible.

9. The punishment system (Judicial system) in Islam is superior than any man made system.

The injustice is all too apparent in countries where man made law is dominant. We have seen many cases in the past, where a paedophile or rapist receives a lower sentence than someone who has convicted a crime like robbery etc. A favourite theme for the Orientalists is to attack Islam's punishment system, but when we study in context the punishments, you will immediately see the justice of Islam, and in comparison to man made law it is far superior.

A U.S. Justice Department report released on November 30 2006 showed that a record 7 million people -- or one in every 32 American adults -- were behind bars, on probation or on parole at the end of last year. Of the total, 2.2 million were in prison or jail.

Is democracy really the way forward? We have seen hundreds ready to defend democracy but is it really worth defending? The statistics speak for themselves! If democracy was indeed a 'superior' way of life why so many problems?

Result of Democracy (US Incarceration statistics)

Furthermore, with 3,256 on death row (In the USA alone) democracy has show it does practice and implement the death penalty.

The Islamic Judicial system is far better to any system man has ever devised in history. The strictness concerning evidence has meant that only around 200 people ever had their hands cut in 1300 years of Islamic Rule and the incidences of theft were very low. The Islamic system allows a person aggrieved of a crime the right to forgive the accused or to demand compensation for certain crimes.

A person has the right to take the ruler to court and even remove him if he transgresses against the Shari’ah. There are four categories of punishment in Islam which protect the rights of Allah, of the Individual, of the Community and of the State. A persons fate is not left to the whims and prejudices of 12 fallible people but in the hands of a qualified judge. In addition Islamic punishments are executed without delay or hesitation and torture is prohibited and haraam for any Muslim to practice.

10. Divine human rights VS Man-made human rights.

If we compare the so-called ‘human rights’ which are enshrined within the Declaration of Human Rights with the Divine Rights given to all human beings by our creator Allah (SWT) through his final message to humanity i.e. Al-Islam, we will find that there are significant differences between the two. These are apart from the fact that those given by God are not subject to change due to whim or desire and that they formed the basis of a civilization which eradicated common problems nowadays such as racism and poverty for over 1300 years under the authority of the Islamic State. This State was ironically destroyed at the hands of the western imperialistic powers such as France and Britain on the 3rd of March 1924.

Islam protects the belief, life, honour, mind and wealth of all citizens as well as ensuring that each individuals needs in terms of food, clothing and shelter are provided for not as a matter of charity but as a matter of divine obligation upon the Islamic State. Countries such as Ethiopia and Sudan flourished in the time of their governance under the divine law enacted by the Islamic State to the extent that they were self sufficient in resources such as food and were even able to provide relief to other nations.

In conclusion...

There is nothing which comes close to the Shari'ah and Islam, however the Shari'ah needs to be implemented in its totality to work and receive the blessings (Baraqa) from Allah. Countries such as Saudia Arabia or Iran may represent and come across as 'Islamic' nations but they are far from Islam and the Shari'ah!

Allah ordered you to return the huquq to the people and if you rule and judge between people, you rule by Shari’ah (i.e. Al Adl - justice).” [EMQ 4: 58]

QUESTION: Is there a country on earth which rules by the Shari'ah?

No. There is no country on earth which implements the Shari'ah, rather they implement man made systems which do not derive from Islam. The systems they rule by are oppressive and unjust, and often permit what Allah (SWT) has made haraam such as Interest, Alcohol and Prostitution.

Those who do not judge by what Allah has sent down, such people are kafirun..” [EMQ 5:44]

Refer to the Apostasy of the rulers, this article focuses on countries that masquerade under Islam, instead they implement systems such as democracy, other types of man made laws and ideas which are not divine and not from the Qur'an. We can see the effects of legislative law by man in the UK and US. I don't believe I need to elaborate on problems the west faces, as these problems are apparent and in plain sight. and I have named a few above.

QUESTION: What will happen to banks and the current banking system?

The current banking system will be destroyed. When Islam comes into power it will erradicate any system which has any potential to exploit humans. This is the justice of the Shari'ah, we see today across the world, fellow beings are being exploited for their wealth, honour and dignity through prostitution, alcohol and gambling (These are only a select few!). Islam came to establish worship to the only creator Allah (SWT) and stop man from following and worshipping his/hers desires.

The role of banks in Islam will be to collect the nation’s deposits and to also act as a central pool whereby money can be collected and invested in the economy.

- What happens to my old bank notes and currency?

Old bank notes and coins will not be devalued, but will be exchanged with the new notes which replace gold and silver reserves, so that the Khilafah state currency does not get minted and used for other purposes because it belongs to the Ummah and the State.

Please look out for more articles on
SALAFIMEDIA which explain the need of Shari'ah and its benefits.

Friday, 22 October 2010

Living among the disbelievers

A Muslim is obliged to live by Islam and implement the Sharee'ah wherever he is. He must also swear allegiance to none but Allah (SWT), His Messenger (SAW) and to the Ameer ul-Mu'mineen (leader of the Muslims). If there is no leader (or khaleefah) to whom one should swear allegiance (like in today's reality), it becomes mandatory to work collectively with other Muslims in order to eradicate shirk (disbelief, false deities, non-Islamic law, etc.) and implement the Sharee'ah.

Moreover, it is not permissible for a Muslim to live between the disbelievers unless he clearly distinguishes himself from them; maintains his Deen; rejects their customs, ideology and way of life; calls them to Islam; and fulfils all his other duties and ritual obligations. Jareer bin 'Abdillah (RA) reported that the Messenger Muhammad (SAW) said:


“I am free from every Muslim that resides between the Mushrikeen (disbelievers).” (Sunan Abee Daawud, Sunan At-Tirmidhi, Fath al-Baari and others)

This ‘disassociation’ of the Prophet (SAW) is from Muslims who live between the Kuffaar (i.e. in daar ul-harb) and do not distinguish themselves from the disbelievers by fulfilling the obligation of inviting them to Islam (openly in public). Distinguishing oneself from the disbelievers can be accomplished in many ways. However, this must be primarily done by holding onto the Islamic values and adhering to the Sharee'ah (without any compromise).

If a person is unable to hold onto his Deen; reject shirk and kufr (such as interfaith, multiculturalism, integration, false deities, etc.); disassociate himself from the disbelievers (such as by not voting for them, participating in their political processes or joining their forces, etc.); and openly invite society to Islam; it becomes prohibited for him to live amongst them, and hijrah (migration) will consequently become obligatory upon him.

The only person who has the permit not to distinguish himself from the Kuffaar and publicly invite them to Islam is the mujaahid. However, one should not let the Shaytaan (devil) whisper to him and convince him that he is a mujaahid or he is preparing for jihad. Nowadays there are many so-called jihadis who do nothing but sit behind their computers all day, slander sincere Muslims, watch a few video clips and free-mix in "Islamic" forums. What is even worse is that they have the audacity to claim they are working hard in the cause of Allah and are serving the Muslim Ummah.

Either da'wah or hijrah

One of the characteristics of a munaafiq (hypocrite) is that he lives between the Kuffaar (in daar ul-harb) without to fight them or distinguish himself from them (by calling them to Islam). Furthermore, he also abandons hijrah when it becomes obligatory upon him to do so. Allah (SWT) says in the Qur’an:




“Verily! As for those whom the angels take [in death] while they are wronging themselves [as they stayed among the disbelievers even though emigration was obligatory for them], they [angels] say [to them]: "In what [condition] were you?" They reply: "We were weak and oppressed on earth." They [angels] say: "Was not the earth of Allah spacious enough for you to emigrate therein?" Such men will find their abode in Hell - what an evil destination!

Except the weak ones among men, women and children who cannot devise a plan, nor are they able to direct their way.

For these there is hope that Allah will forgive them, and Allah is ever Oft-Pardoning, Oft-Forgiving.” (EMQ an-Nisaa', 4:97–99)

Ad-Dahhaak (RA) stated that this aayah (verse) was revealed about some hypocrites who did not join the Messenger of Allah (SAW) but remained in Makkah and went out with the idolaters for the Battle of Badr. They were killed among those (Mushrikeen) who were killed. Thus, this honourable aayah was revealed about those who reside among the idolaters, while able to perform hijrah and unable to practise their Deen. Such people will be committing injustice against themselves and fall into a prohibition according to the Consensus and also according to this aayah.

Moreover, in another aayah Allah (SWT) says:



“Then what is the matter with you that you are divided into two parties about the hypocrites? Allah has cast them back [to disbelief] because of what they have earned. Do you want to guide him whom Allah has made to go astray? And he whom Allah has made to go astray, you will never find for him any way [of guidance].

They wish that you reject [Imaan], as they have rejected [Imaan], and thus that you all become equal [like one another]. So take not awliyaa' [protectors or friends] from them, till they emigrate in the Way of Allah. But if they turn back [from Islam], take [hold] of them and kill them wherever you find them, and take neither awliyaa' [protectors or friends] nor helpers from them.” (EMQ an-Nisaa', 4:88–89)

Imaam Ahmad recorded that Zayd bin Thaabit (RA) said that the Messenger of Allah (SAW) marched towards Uhud. However, some people went back to al-Madeenah, and the Companions of the Messenger of Allah divided into two groups concerning them, one saying they should be killed and the other objecting. Allah (SWT) then revealed: "Then what is the matter with you that you are divided into two parties about the hypocrites…"

Haatib bin Abee Balta'ah


“O you who believe! Take not my enemies and your enemies [i.e. disbelievers and polytheists, etc.] as friends, showing affection towards them, while they have disbelieved in what has come to you of the truth [i.e. Islamic Monotheism, the Qur'aan, and Muhammad], and have driven out the Messenger [SAW] and yourselves [from your homeland] because you believe in Allah your Lord! If you have come forth to strive in My Cause and to seek My Good Pleasure, [then take not these disbelievers and polytheists, etc., as your friends]. You show friendship to them in secret, while I am All-Aware of what you conceal and what you reveal. And whosoever of you [Muslims] does that, then indeed he has gone [far] astray, [away] from the Straight Path.” (EMQ al-Mumtahanah, 60:1)

The situation of Haatib bin Abee Balta'ah is the reason behind the revelation of the beginning of this honourable Soorah. Haatib was among the Early Emigrants (Al-Muhajiroun) and participated in the Battle of Badr. Haatib had children and wealth in Makkah, but he was not from the tribe of Quraysh. Rather, he was an ally of 'Uthmaan. When the Messenger of Allah (SAW) decided to conquer Makkah, after its people broke the peace treaty between them, he ordered the Muslims to mobilize their forces to attack Makkah, and then supplicated, "O Allah! Keep our news concealed from them."

Haatib wrote a letter for the people of Makkah and sent it with a woman from the tribe of Quraysh, informing them of the Messenger's intent to attack them. He wanted them to be indebted to him (so that they would grant safety to his family in Makkah). Allah the Exalted conveyed this matter to His Messenger (SAW) because He accepted the Prophet's invocation (for Him to conceal the news of the attack). The Prophet sent someone after the woman and retrieved the letter.

This letter was addressed from Haatib bin Abee Balta'ah to some pagans of Makkah, telling them about what Allah's Messenger intended to do. Allah's Messenger (SAW) then said, "O Haatib! What is this?" Haatib replied, "O Allah's Messenger! Do not make a rash decision about me. I was a person not belonging to Quraysh, but I was an ally to them. All the Emigrants who were with you have kinsmen (in Makkah) who can protect their families. So I wanted to do them a favour, so they might protect my relatives, as I have no blood relation with them. I did not do this out of disbelief or to rebel from my religion, nor did I do it to choose disbelief after Islam."

Allah's Messenger (SAW) said to his Companions, "Regarding him (Haatib), he has told you the truth." 'Umar (RA) then exclaimed:


“O Allah's Messenger! Allow me to strike the neck of this hypocrite [Kaafir]!”

The Prophet (SAW) responded, "But, he attended Badr. What can I tell you, perhaps Allah looked at those who attended Badr and said, 'O people of Badr, do what you like, for I have forgiven you.'" Allah (SWT) then revealed: "O you who believe! Take not my enemies and your enemies [i.e. disbelievers and polytheists, etc.] as friends, showing affection towards them…"

We can learn from this incident that the Prophet (SAW) consented to the takfeer of 'Umar (RA) upon Haatib (RA), and had to wait for revelation from Allah in order to decide what to do with him. Furthermore, it is not permissible for a Muslim to give information to the Kuffaar even if it is to save one's family. Haatib (RA) was not punished however as he was saved by the wahy (revelation).


If certain Muslims in the West are going to continue to live between the Kuffaar and become engrossed with the dunyaa (such as by working excessive hours or wasting time spending years learning about the dunyaa in school, college or university), without to at least invite the disbelievers to Islam (publicly) and distinguish themselves from the non-Muslims, there is a great chance that they may become munaafiqeen. In order to avoid this they must either begin to engage in their Islamic responsibilities wherever they or make hijrah to a place where they are able to fulfil all their obligations.

Both da'wah and jihad are obligations upon Muslims; therefore, we should not be like those who are cursed by Almighty Allah (SWT) and follow some ahkaam (rules) but reject others. Allah Ta'aalaa says:


“Then do you believe in a part of the Scripture and reject the rest? Then what is the recompense of those who do so among you, except disgrace in the life of this world, and on the Day of Resurrection they shall be consigned to the most grievous torment. And Allah is not unaware of what you do.” (EMQ al-Baqarah, 2:85)

Furthermore, another condition for living between the Kuffaar is that one must support the jihad verbally and financially (if he is unable to do so physically). This is because the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said:


“Fight the Mushrikeen by your wealth [financially], bodies [physically] and tongues [verbally].” (Sunan Abee Daawud, hadeeth no. 2504)